
Online Wine selling - Identify custromer fears

You might not know it but there is a war out there. A wine war is happening between wine sellers and there are numerous dimension to consider before understanding issues and interest at play. In this first article we'll review the current situation, and begin by analyzing the main customer barrier.

How to identify customer main percieved risks when it comes to buying wine online ?

By 1995, start-ups are betting to sell wine over the Internet. 
These new businesses called cybercavistes, differ by their innovative distribution channel, but also by their quality and range depth (supermarkets and wine shops have an average of 450 references, while the average number rises to a cybercaviste references to 5000).The turnover from wine sales at the retail stage has reached 106.985 billion dollars in 2005. In 2010, global wine consumption remains stable compared to 2009, with a total of 236.3 million hectoliters. Given the volumes and potential profit, it is natural that  Internet captured  this product.

The wine was thus the first food product to be sold on the internet.

But wine is by nature a final product whose quality is unknown because it depends on a subtle mix: vintage, grape variety, terroir and storage conditions. The quality remains unknown to the consumer until the opening of the bottle.Also the web is a distribution channel that does not reassure consumers by virtual nature. Indeed the product is not palpable, you have to trust the e-shopping.The challenge of cybercavistes is to reassure consumers. We must give them confidence for them to agree to buy on a website.
The e-wine market is very attractive since the intensity of the rivalry is moderate. However moves from players have been initiated by the acquisition of ChateauOnline.com by 1855.com, strong turbulence and increased competition is announced in the coming months and years ahead.

Identify potential sources of customer perceived risks

- Sources: The way to buy & remote merchant site. 
- Brakes: Timing and delivery charges. 
- Motivation: Confidence in this type of site.

Sources of perceived risk involved in the
choice process seem to depend on the type of website on the one hand and the experience of individuals with online  purchase and the level of expertise on wine consumption on the other hand. Solving issues  then consist in proposing reducing risk adjusted depending on the type of site and different targets by offering diverse requirements, and better manage the relationship with shoppers by optimizing the contact between the merchant and the consumer.
Thus, the general website appears to meet the utilitarian nature of the purchase of wine from the perspective of short-term consumption, for a special occasion and as part of a larger shopping cart. Nevertheless benefit from the commercial site offering a varied insofar as it constitutes a unifying and reassuring consumer confidence.  

For expert websites , the main source of risk involves  brakes associated with rather unfavorable sale conditions for the buyer (time and delivery costs) but also confidence into the website. Also, this incentive could be enhanced by authentication of the merchant with a identity record of the seller specifying its history, business, contact information or direct chat for example.

And those issues are only one dimension of several difficulties encounter for online wine sellers. Other aspect will be detailed in the next article.

By Shirley Jagle
Winefair - 2010 - "What are Internet users who visit merchant's sites and social networks in the field of wine? " 
SOWINE barometer - 2010 - "Internet, social networks and wine" 
GALLEN Celine and Anne-Sophie CASES - 2007 - "The role of perceived risk and experience in buying wine online»


A bargain among writers

The writers who have known hell with publishers are welcoming the arrival of the digital books. They can self-publish themselves and not to depend on publishers who only seek profit.

In the United States, eBooks are revolutionizing the book industry. More and more authors, unknown or forgotten, can find themselves in the best-seller lists of The New York Times for several weeks!

Ebooks are a real phenomenon which weigh more than $800 million of turnover, a phenomenon that will not end to evolve and innovate in the coming years.
By Sarah


Cinemagram, a beautiful way to animate your photos

Some time ago, I discovered the website Cinemagraph on the Internet. These are animated gifts, made from short photo sequences. The result is truly magnificent.

More recently, I found a free application called Cinemagram on my Iphone. The concept is the same: the application can easily reproduce the “Cinemagraphs” effect, that is to say still images that come alive slightly.

It works just like Instagram: possibility of shooting directly into the application, choice of filters, immediate release, ability to subscribe, to leave comments,…

Needless to say that the application may meet the same success as Instagram or Pinterest.

Here are some trials to support:

By Sarah


Watch your arm ! Tag Heuer

When augmented reality comes true ...

A watch is like  glasses, you can not really decide without trying themNow, with Tag Heuer, no need to go to a jewelry store to try.
Augmented reality, is especially dedicated to the collection Touch, you can try it within the comfort of your home. With 28 possible combinations (functions and accessories), there is a good chance of finding watch on his wrist!

We print the paper tagged, it is cut and attached to our wrist, we present it to the webcam, and voila!

To return to the 28 combinations, there really is something to have fun and discover a very simple and practical: styles, colors, technologies such as touch screen (!), Altimeter, weather, compass, thermometer and a must : opportunity to take pictures and send to a friend.

This augmented reality experience available to customers of Tag Heuer is in perfect synergy with touch technology Touch Collection. There is appealing, in addition to the regular customers of the brand, a new generation of Internet and take them on the needles of temptation.

By ShirleyJ


Skinput - Microsoft under your skin

How to become a tactile person ?

During Techdays 2011, Microsoft officially presented the experience "Skinput", which transforms the human body in a tactile surface to put it in interaction with a machine ...

How it works? He had to think but it is rather simple: the device picks up the sound on contact between the hand and arm skin for example. We can therefore interact directly with the machine through its own body.

Skinput appears on the skin as an intuitive interface broadcast by a mini projector that acts menu. Capacity utilization are many and varied: video games, business presentations / commercial, mobile products ...

By ShirleyJ 


The Parisian Pinball Park - Ford Technology

We must say that they did quite well at Ford, which offers a revolutionary parking assistance !

For the occasion, these are the streets of Paris who were chosen to be the scene of a novel experiment staged by Ogilvy & Mather Paris. The film denounces the Parisian way of park a car and proves that technology takes over our lives to make them better.

Some models are equipped with Ford Active Park Assist technology that allows even the most hopeless and ungifted car-parkerof  to realize the perfect move that does not hurt other cars ...

This technology identifies parking spaces and performs the maneuver for you!

As it is a real challenge to find a space to park your car in Paris, most drivers try at any cost, even bullying the neighboring vehicles.
So, in the heart of the operation you can see  a giant
interactive pinball machine  overlooking the single park vacancy in the neighborhood. At each shock, the flipper comes alive in great sound and light. Disrespectful drivers are filmed without their knowledge and are an integral part of this giant Pinball at the limit of tilt!

Weird to think that  the worst driver who crushed the most
its car won cash ...

By ShirleyJ