
Motion Capture: from video game to 3D video conference?

The entertainment industry is rich in innovations and technological wonders. After the 3D movies with Avatar, it is the video game industry, this time, which surprises us. Thanks to a brand new concept, created especially for the game, L.A. Noire, a game by the Rockstar Studio, stroke its players with the incredible realism of its graphics.

How did the developers reach such a level of realism? Thanks to the Motion Capture. The process is explained in the following video. And leads us to think about its future applications. Why not dream about 3D video conferences? Yes, it reminds us of the surrealistic means of communication of Star Wars or other science fictions movies. But maybe they aren’t that surrealistic after all…

by Natacha D


  1. Amazing ! Is there other form of utilization of motion capture so far ?

  2. Not yet, unfortunately. The process is very exepensive and has not yet been ysed for any other purpose than this specific video game. Soon, all video games will probably use it and I expect 3D animated movies to do is as well... To be continued!
